DNR Lower High Point Trail Bridge Project. The civil engineering scope of work included establishing bridge alignment and profile design incorporating GIS base map data. The bridge alignment was finalized based on overcoming topography and geotechnical constraints.
Ship Canal Crossing Study Project. The Ship Canal Crossing Study project studied a number of different options to improve the West Seattle multi-model transportation and pedestrian experience over the Ship Canal. RHC Engineering studied two options of pedestrian and bicycle shared-use bridges over Ship Canal. The study included alignment layouts, structural analysis, and planning level bridge structural design. The study overcame many geometrical constraints for the approach landing.
SR 520 West Corridor Project. RHC's contribution to the SR 520 project included designing curbs and ramps, developing traffic control plan to support the west approach bridge construction, incorporating noise variance and geotechnical drilling information into basemap, developing street use permit and right of entry for geotechnical field work, developing right of way boundary and limited access proposals, documenting record of survey for right of way, parcel development, and access hearing plans, performing existing utility research and layout, developing street use permit application plans, managing right of way and record of survey data, and developing public hearing and ESA support plans.
Post Avenue Recostruction Project. Removal of existing Post Avenue Bridge, and construction of new pavement on the deep soft soil near the Seattle's waterfront, may impact the adjacent buildings' structural safety, when the existing soft soil is under new overburden loads. RHC managed and led the structural engineering and geotechnical engineering services for this curbs and ramps reconstruction project. The scope of work included evaluating existing historical masonry building structures, proposing pavement reconstruction procedures, coordinating with the geotechnical subconsultant.
RHC's civil engineers brought in extensive experience in designing curbs, ramps, and other ADA features across the Washington State. RHC is currently working on the street restoration including curbs and ADA ramps for a six-unit development project.
RHC is working on the civil engineering scope of work for this project that included the following tasks: develop and draft substation expansion civil site plans, design and draft drainage plans, develop and draft erosion and sediment control plans, and develop retaining wall plans.